Job Details

Job Details

Social Media Marketing Internship (Outreach Team)

Jaadoo Mentor

₹0 certified_internship

Job Posting Date:2024-05-16 20:18:22

----------- Role ----------- 1. Search for Influencers & Celebrities across Youtube, Instagram, etc 2. Preparing lists of potential Influencers and categorizing the lists. 3. Sending emails, messages & making calls and following up. 4. Answering any questions, help in setting up accounts & Profiles and onboarding ----------- Qualifications ----------- 1. Moderate level skillset in relevant areas - Google Sheets, Meet, ChatGPT, etc. 2. Good Communication Skills, Confidence, Personality, Adaptability, Sense of Humor, Witty, etc. 3. Logical Reasoning Ability ----------- Incentives ----------- 1. Receive a certificate and recommendation upon successful completion of the internship 2. Work directly with the Founder, an IIT alumnus with extensive startup experience across the globe 3. Gain hands-on experience in building a startup from 0-1 4. Chance to meet your favorite influencers and build network 5. Develop industry-relevant skillset 6. Dedicated seat in Co-Working Space in newly built RISE Jhansi Incubation Center ----------- How to Apply ----------- Apply directly or reach out to us at contact@jaadoomentor.com.
